Alexander Zhukov PI symposium

Il Cugino Pizzeria (186 Norton St, Leichhardt)
6 pm, 14 March (3.14)

Antipodes Association celebrated International PI day in a wonderful PIzzeria. For ancient Greeks, symposium meant a philosophical discussion accompanied by food and drinks. Following this definition, we met in PI-day (3.14) in the best PIzza in town to talk about the wonderful number PI and read new works of our Omnipresent PI collection: Gregory Tsarevsky showed Melody to memorise the number PI, Yakov Smagarynsky wrote his short story «It was long ago», and Tatiana Bonch-Osmolovskaya demonstrated her solution for «Squaring the sphere» on which surface Vsevolod Vlaskine found many words in different languages: AQUA, QUA, QUE, AURA, ARE, AREA, ARES, RARE, SERA, RES, ARSE, ASS, ARREARS, REAR, QUEER, QUE, QUEUE, URSUS, RURSUS, ESSE, RASQUES, SEA, SEAS, SEE, SEAR, ARS, SURE, SUE, RUE, SERE, ERE, ERR, RUSS, USE, REUSE, USUS, USARE, ESSURE, USSR, SASS, QUUS. The symposium was dedicated to the memory of Alexander Zhukov (1955-2011), an author of books about number Pi, who for many years studied and popularize this wonderful number.

How to find the place

You can reach «Il Cugino» pizzeria from City on buses 440, 436, 438, M10.
