Antipodes Association celebrated International PI day in a wonderful PIzzeria. For ancient Greeks, symposium meant a philosophical discussion accompanied by food and drinks. Following this definition, we met in PI-day (3.14) in the best PIzza in town to talk about the wonderful number PI and read new works of our Omnipresent PI collection: Gregory Tsarevsky showed Melody to memorise the number PI, Yakov Smagarynsky wrote his short story «It was long ago», and Tatiana Bonch-Osmolovskaya demonstrated her solution for «Squaring the sphere» on which surface Vsevolod Vlaskine found many words in different languages: AQUA, QUA, QUE, AURA, ARE, AREA, ARES, RARE, SERA, RES, ARSE, ASS, ARREARS, REAR, QUEER, QUE, QUEUE, URSUS, RURSUS, ESSE, RASQUES, SEA, SEAS, SEE, SEAR, ARS, SURE, SUE, RUE, SERE, ERE, ERR, RUSS, USE, REUSE, USUS, USARE, ESSURE, USSR, SASS, QUUS. The symposium was dedicated to the memory of Alexander Zhukov (1955-2011), an author of books about number Pi, who for many years studied and popularize this wonderful number.
You can reach «Il Cugino» pizzeria from City on buses 440, 436, 438, M10.