Hemingway once wrote a very short story: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn”. And Augusto Monterroso wrote: “When he awoke, the dinosaur was still there”. And Alan Moore wrote: “Machine. Unexpectedly, I’d invented a time”. And Neil Gaiman wrote: “I’m dead. I’ve missed you. Kiss … ?”. And… And what can you tell in just six words? To declare your love? To call for compassion? To make them laugh? To express an eternal truth? Or at least, new philosophical concept?
Live is short, so say your own six words!
Antipodes Association announces a super-short text contest
We wait for your texts written in Russian, of no more than six words, sent for Antipodes Association e-mail address: antipodes[at]gmail.com. Each author can apply one text for the contest. The author indicates his/her name and domicile. The author can send text under pseudonyms if this pseudonym cannot be attributed to another person. The dead line for receiving of the texts is March, 28th. Texts of appropriate literary quality will be passed to experts of the contest. Each expert gives grades to the texts to April, 14th. To this date, all text of appropriate literary quality will be put on Antipodes Association live journal site for possible people voting. The results of experts voting will be announced April, 17th. The best texts will be published in Antipodes Association web-page and will be recommended for publication in Russian and Russian-Australian literary editions.
Texts could be sent to email of the Asssociation.