
Events from series «Discoveries» are devotes to works of an author, forgotten or not known to Australain reader. We listen to music, watch video, actors recite poems of the author. And we could dream of invitation of live classics of modern Russian Literature here!

Events details are in Russian.

8 January, 4pm. Cafe on the first floor of Berkelouw Books (19 Oxford St, Paddington)
Reading of Alexander Shishkin (Moscow)
18 July, 4pm. Nora Krouk house
Poetic reading of Vladimir Aristov (Moscow)
12 May, 5:30pm. Quadrangle Refectory Room H113, Quadrangle Building, University of Sydney
Evening of contemporary Russian video poetry
13 April, 18:00. Rudolf Steiner House (307, Sussex Street, Sydney)
«What about Eugene?»
20 April, 19:00. Plus Coffee-T House
«Beneath the sky of blue…»
Celebration of 71 anniversary of Anri Volokhonsky
23 November, 19:00. NSW Writer Centre (Rozelle).
Introduction to contemporary Russian poetry.
Joseph Brodsky, Gennadiy Aygi, Konstantin Kedrov.

(in English)
21 November, 17:00. Booklovers Club (UNSW).
Some trends of modern Russian literature.
Moscow conceptualism: Dmitri Alexandrovich Prigov, Lev Rubinshtein, Vsevolod Nekrasov.