Mark Polyakov

In the totally photographic world of the 21st century...
Eveone is a photographer...
The number of images is growing exponentially...
Response weaken...
Information entropy overwhelms the viewer...
Visual noises celebrate triumph...
The perception is distorted by gravity...
Of flickering images...
There is a space... Of visual terror...
In this dramatic situation...
Contexts links references... Caused by one or another photo...
Become critically important...
Especially important are...
Association between classical and avant-garde... Fine art...
They create the perspective...
They help engage...
Into historical and cultural context...
They give necessary legitimation for art works...
But it seems to me...
That we are the last generation...
Of artists-photographers...
Seeking confirmation...
For their creative impulses...
In the visual arts... Of before-photograhic era...
People who has grown up...
With the internet and social networks...
Will not need references...
To painting graphics and sculpture...
They will look for inspiration...
In the Internet and movies...
And maybe even...
In our photos...





Mark Polyakov.