Alexander Ocheretyansky

When I go for a photo-hunting (and this is one of my favorite pastimes), when I contact wild substunces who are so far free in its manifestations, when I know that I will meet flore and possibly fauna represantatives (wolves, bears and wild boars are for a long time extinct from our area, but surprisingly snakes are there), I don't know what I will meet, when, how, at what light, what would be this incredible twig's or even twiglett's curve on the next bend of my road.
Possibly, this is well-known excitement of photo-hunting, which also warms my interest and gives me strength for many hours of my waverings in the woods.
That is all for a concept.







Alexander Ocheretyansky. Born in Kiev, Ukraine, in 1946. Emigrated to USA in 1979. Alexander Ocheretyansky is the author of 8 poetry books published in Russia and USA, collage books of conceptl vision (2 published books and unknown number of published and unpublished works), co-author of 2 books on history of literature, poetry anthology of Russian Avant-garde of the early 20th century and Mini-Anthology of Russian vers-libres. Since 1989 he is the editor and publisher of «Chernovik» literary-visual almanac.